Autumnal listomania

(borrowed from Supermarie, translated by me)

three words that describe me: dedicated, bubbly and caring
the first thing I do in the morning is: scroll through Instagram, Bloglovin’ and Facebook on my phone, dreading to get up
when I listen to the radio I: constantly change the radio station to find a song I can sing to (or plug my phone in instead)
I am currently looking forward to: having a boyfriend/girlfriend-weekend next weekend, having my mom over in three weeks and buying and wrapping Christmas pressies ❤ YAYYY
my wardrobe is full of: clothes, accessories and underwear. I am actually very good at getting rid of stuff I don’t wear, which causes me to almost have too few clothes. First world problem?
when I have to dress up for something: I tend to go for classy but comfy, so I can feel and look fabolous at the same time
make-up is: something that makes me feel better about myself, however I love the make-up free days
the first time I tried alcohol I was: 15 and at a really fun party with my entire class. I had two beers and was ‘soooo drunk’.
I feel sexy: after I work out (and when he looks at me THAT way)
at the coffee shop I order: black americano, chai tea latte or some sort of flavoured latte, depending on my mood
at the pub I order: red wine or cider
at a party you will find me: either trying to have a conversation with someone, wanting to go home or dancing (most likely all three at some point at any party)
by my bed I keep: fluffy slippers and a bedside table with candles and pictures of my family
I can’t live without: tasty food, good conversations and my friends/family
kids are: necessary
at night: I sleep
in my handbag I carry: hand sanitiser, hand cream, lipseal, gum, purse, iPod, umbrella
working out is: satisfying
politics is: too hard to keep up with
love is: life
this autumn I will: keep trying hard to get a job
all girls should: be happy and confident
all boys should: realise that feminism is not an ‘f-word’
I am best at: listening
I am worst at: staying confident
I just love: my life
what I want to work with: design or anything that challenges me
I admire: strong people that follow their dreams and succeed
my favourite feeling: having no specific plans, lots of snacks, sweets and nice foods, hanging out with people I love
my worst habit: always multitasking
member of: three loving families
I believe in: myself and the good in people
you might not know that I: don’t care what I do or where I am, as long as I enjoy myself, feel appreciated and experience love
at school I am: hopefully never going to find myself again
as a friend I am: trustworthy
when I have time off I: love chilling
I am passionate about: justice
in 5 years I have: a job I love in a place I like
in 10 years I am: a wife and mother
lying is OK if: it is only temporarily (i.e. about a surprise for someone) or keeps someone from feeling bad

I tried doing this quickly without too much thinking to make sure the answers were true. Hope you learnt a little bit about me!

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