new start….?

So the new year came and went, and with that more stress than I have ever experienced. And I have done a Masters-degree in one year instead of two….

I was made redundant (which was more of a relief than anything else, really) 3 working days before I went on holiday to Florida (Disney! HARRY POTTER!) for two weeks, and since that my life has been a flurry of uncertainty.

We left for Florida with the perfect (!) flat, and with that one of my New Year’s goals, secured, and came back to the news of delays with the mortgage, delays with the lease extension and in the last set of news we were told that the lease extension would be too expensive for the vendor to be willing to do it. We are negotiating this at the moment, but its not looking good. So we are hanging on hopes, waiting for a definite yes or no.

I managed to find a new job. I had two interviews quite close together, and one of them for the ‘dream’-job, however the other job came back first. Now I am struggling because I have started the other job, and it’s hard to do that whole-heartedly when I know ‘the dream’ could be right around the corner, they might just be slow processing the candidates. I am doing my best trying not to think about it, but it is super hard. Now it has been a week over when they told me at the interview I would hear by, so I am thinking I might not have gotten it, but it is just hard to push it aside without a clear answer.

This shouldn’t be allowed. There should be a penalty for leaving people hanging like this. Some of us get ill, you know, because we cannot ‘just not think about it’. Easier said than done. It’s pissing me off.

Oh well. At least I am off tomorrow, so that I don’t have to feel bad for (perhaps not so) secretly checking my phone for emails or missed calls every 5 mins.

Give me strenght.

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